Year 6 – The Globe Theatre
Class teacher: Shannen Davie
HLTA: Julie Leaff
Autumn 1
Year 6 Curriculum Letter Autumn 1
Application for Secondary Transfer
Autumn 2
Year 6 Curriculum Letter Autumn 2
Spring 1
Year 6 Curriculum Letter Spring 1
Here is the Year 5 and 6 statutory spelling list. A selection of these words will be sent home weekly, and tested twice weekly. During the grammar, punctuation and spelling paper of the KS2 SATs, 20 of these words will be tested during a spelling test.
Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spelling List
Recommended Reading Lists
Useful Links:
If you would like to do some extra practise with your child, here are some useful websites which you can access:
For grammar, punctuation and maths, Anton is a great resource, and completely free!
We have relaunched Times Tables Rockstars, and your child has logged-in and started using the app. Please encourage them to challenge themselves with tables that they are less sure of.