Administering Medication in School

Your Child’s Medical History

Please inform the school of relevant details concerning your child’s medical condition so that we are aware of any problems which might arise and can deal with them accordingly. Similarly, please send a note if there is any allergy regarding food at lunchtime. It is important that you notify us of any changes to medical conditions.

If your child has taken ill or has an accident at school we will try to get in contact with you immediately. It is therefore essential that we have details of where you can be contacted in an emergency. Please make sure you inform us of any change of address, change of work or change of telephone number.


If it is absolutely necessary for your child to take medication during the day permission must be sought from the school and the medication properly labelled with:

  • the name of your child
  • the dose needed and when
  • the name of doctor or pharmacist in case of any problems with dosage.

Medicines that need to be taken three times a day can be given to children before school, after school and at bedtime. Therefore please do not send medicines that need to be taken three times a day to school.

School staff cannot take responsibility for ensuring children receive medication. If it is essential for a child to have medicine at a specific time, parents should come into school to administer it.

Only medicines prescribed by a doctor can be administered by school staff and only if they have a doctors label with a valid date and the correct dosage stated. Staff can only follow the directions on this label and are not permitted to give ‘altered’ doses. All medicines will be administered by a registered school first aider.

If you require your child to be given medication in school you will need to complete this form:

Request for School to Administer Medication