Parent Surveys
Grasmere Primary School Parents and Carers Survey
The teaching is good 96%
My child likes school 94%
The school is helping my child become mature and responsible 91%
Behaviour in the school is good 87%
The school expects my child to work hard and achieve his or her best 87%
My child is making good progress at school 83%+
I would feel comfortable approaching the school with questions or a problem 82%
My child understands what to do if they or others are victims of bullying 78%
Subjects: How would you rate the achievement of your child in:
History & Geography 98%
Sports 96%
Music 96%
RE 94%
Mathematics 92%
Literacy 92%
Art 92%
ICT 89%
Science 88%
Drama 77%
General issues: How would you rate the school in terms of:
Making learning exciting, interesting and fun 96%
Caring for your child and looking after their needs 94%
School meals 81%
After School Club 74%
What do you think are the most positive aspects of Grasmere Primary School are?
Community feel
Approachable staff
Staff knowledge of children
Happy children
Confident children
School ethos/values
Improvements in maths
Here are some of the quotes parents expressed in comments in the survey:
- “Excellent teachers with visible signs of excellent lesson preparation”
- “My child’s Teaching Assistant is exceptional and gives me the best window into my child’s overall progress and day to day welfare and is tremendously suypportive of the children.
- “Teachers are always visible and available to parents as is the headteacher and support staff.
- “Teachers are always happy to talk over any concerns.
- “I have always been impressed by how responsive and willing to hep all staff are. Thak you!
- “Staff follow things up with care and attention”.
- “Teachers make learning fun and interesting.”
- “Governors are on track with improvements and genuinely take on board parents concerns.”
- “Staff give kids structure and teach them respect.”
- “Teachers find ways of bringing the curriculum to life.”
- “Staff are open to constructive criticism.”
- “The school listens, understands and treats each child as an individual and puts their needs first.”
- “The head and deputy create a great inclusive atmosphere.”
- “Teachers look at each child’s individual needs and personalities to get the best from them.”
- “Good stable management and a warm and caring staff.”
- “Positive teachers leaving a lasting impression on children.”