Home Learning
Please see below for information about the distance learning the school would offer in the event of school closure.
Home learning will be available for each year group. This will vary according to the year group to ensure it is age-appropriate and meets the needs of the pupils. It will include things such as:
- Daily online sessions for a range of subjects areas, and Google Classroom. This will include recorded teaching inputs and activities to complete,
- ‘Live’ Story reading sessions, via a secure link on Google Classroom,
- A ‘live’ weekly assembly, via a secure link on Google Classroom.
Year groups will also be setting additional activities to complete throughout the week and signposting you to additional resources to support learning at home. All pupils will also receive a ‘catch-up’ phone call once a week from a member of staff.
Google Classrooms
We encourage all pupils to complete their distance learning online, via the Google Classroom platform. This is an interactive tool where children can view and submit work in their own class and also interact with their teachers.
If your child has forgotten or lost their Google Classroom log in, please contact your child’s teacher.
- General Ideas:
BBC Bitesize is always reliable and has some great resources for all ages:
12 Ideas for reading and writing
KS2 talk about a book spinners
Hackney’s e library is available free of charge for all Hackney Residents, all you need is a library card and pin number to access it. If you aren’t a member, register her:
For recommended reads for each year group and lots of other information about reading click here
Free classic children’s books on PDF/audiobook format: Click here
For a daily picture stimulus with engaging activities associated to the picture: http://www.pobble365.com/
For a writing stimulus to engage children: http://www.phoenixjuniors.co.uk/wp-content/closurework/Year%204%20Independent%20Writing%20Activities.pdf
Times tables Rock Stars [children should know their login details]:
Free science lessons here.
Science awards you can complete at home:
Lots of free resources for primary aged children:
Science games:
Try doing a project using topics resources from here.
Big History Project for Y5 and 6:
National Geographic activities and quizzes:
Geography games:
Creative arts and crafts activities for the very youngest
Free art activities:
Learn languages for free:
BBC Bitesize also has a really good languages section
Creative computer programming
Learn computer programming skills: