We have a very strong Maths, English [phonics, reading and writing], Computing and Science offer [the core subjects]. At Grasmere we know that the wider curriculum is of equal value, and essential to ensure children have a broad learning experience during their Primary career. This includes humanities [History, Geography and RE], as well as art, design and technology, music and physical education, PSHE, RE, RSE and Spanish.
Fundamental to our ethos is a strong belief that children should achieve not only academically and be equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed beyond primary school, but also, and equally in their personal development.
Running throughout our curriculum is:
- the Grasmere values of Creativity, Kindness, Bravery and Respect
- the clear understanding by all staff that any learning should be approached through a Growth Mind-set
- the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle
- a commitment to equity
Growth mind-set is promoted alongside social and mental learning through circle time and PSHE, as well as through learning behaviours and restorative approaches. We expect all of our children to be healthy, mentally and physically. Our staff are trained in outdoor learning, and we have access all through the day to our forest area. We have well being ambassadors amongst our pupils.