Early Years
Our Early Years and Foundation Stage [EYFS]is a real strength of the school and ensures a solid start to your child’s time at Grasmere. Its curriculum is highly responsive to pupil needs and incorporates a wide variety of activities which stimulate interest and curiosity. There is also a supportive, caring ethos which means children settle to effective learning quickly. If your child has additional need, there is a real understanding and experience of supporting SEND [see SEND section for more general information] whereby careful adjustments to their needs are made, tailoring resources and the timetable accordingly.
The learning environment is stimulating, both in the classroom and outdoors. Using the EYFS environment audit, the physical space has been improved and re organised. The quality of teaching is consistently good or better and systematic teaching of phonics through the Read Write Inc approach [see Phonics section in ‘subjects’ for more detail] ensures that children read and write well on exit. There is a well managed home reading programme and a celebration of reading through read aloud and peer reading. We are also proud of our parent reading initiative on Friday afternoons [‘read together’] that are regularly well attended by a diverse range of parents. Number is taught systematically and gives opportunities for children to apply these skills in workbooks and orally.
Outdoors, the new play apparatus inspire children to play adventurously and take risks. New parents are welcomed to the school and actively engaged through visits, activities, coffee mornings and meetings. There is dual language correspondence and translators available.
Visits are welcomed from prospective parents and the office will be able to tell you if there are upcoming open mornings. Please ring 02072544564.