Sports Premium Funding

“The school has an extended sports guarantee for all pupils. It draws on quality coaching and local facilities to enhance pupils’ experience. Good use of the sports premium has seen the school’s success in a number of national competitions in a range of sporting activities”.
Ofsted Report, January 2017 

The government provides additional PE & Sport funding to sustain and improve the provision for physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools.

Our plan for Sports Premium 2021/22

PE Premium 21-22 (1)

Our use of the DfE premium 2019 to 2020:

Grasmere school has a great universal offer in this area of the curriculum which includes lessons taught by teachers, additional sessions taught by specialists, after school clubs, junior and infant clubs and competitions that the school takes part in.

The Department for Education has given Grasmere £17,750 in the year 2019/2020 towards the costs incurred in providing opportunities for our children in sport.

We provide lessons in athletics, sailing, kayaking, tag rugby, swimming, gymnastics, hockey, tennis, cricket and football. We take part in competitions related to these in local and national championships.

Last year the school spent this grant on providing lessons for all classes from Reception to Y6 in the following sports: Swimming, Cricket and Tennis. We also pay for Y5 and Y6 to do Sailing and Kayaking.

Grasmere have a strong record of success in competitions. This year we were Hackney Champions on boys/girls cricket and got to the National Semi Finals. We have twice won the Hackney Swimming Gala in the last five years and won the Hackney Schools Championship two years running.

The DfE grant of £17,750 will therefore be used to ensure we can continue the opportunities and guaranteed offers to all our children in P.E and sport.

Grasmere school takes part in an annual calendar of sports related to London Youth Games and Sainsbury’s School Games. We report on these in Grasmere news.

Grasmere now has the Gold award for school games.  We have won this award for two years running.


Grasmere Primary School believes that training children in the skills of sports helps to develop their confidence and has an impact on their academic achievement. Our surveys tell us that the children love PE & Sport. We are promoting healthy life styles and have a direct link to outside clubs where children can join to pursue their interests. We consistently perform above expectations for a small school and our trophy cabinet is evidence of our teams achievements. We believe all children should have access to have high quality sport provision.