Meet the Governors
‘Staff are proud of their work and proud of their school. Leaders consider the well-being of all staff members. Morale is high. Governors share the ambition of the school’s leaders and are knowledgeable about the curriculum. They work effectively in partnership with school leaders to develop and strengthen the curriculum’
Declarations of Interest and Membership is here:
declaration of interest and membership
The membership of the Governing Body [SEPT 2023] is as follows:
Parent Governors – elected by parents of children at Grasmere
Ian Quest (Interim Chair and Chair of Resources Committee)
As a parent with children entering the school, I was interested in how I could help support our wonderful, creative and big-hearted school and its community. Though new to School Governance, I’ve been on both company and charity boards and was keen to apply my experience wherever I could help. By background I’m an engineer and have worked with many engineering businesses, often fixing operational and organisational issues to help them achieve more with less. Outside work I love open water swimming, drums & percussion and of course time with our 2 sons exploring the world with their fresh eyes, energy and excitement.
Nicola Foster Chair of Curriculum Committee)
‘I have been a parent at Grasmere since 2017 when my eldest son transferred from another local primary and my youngest son started in reception. I became a parent Governor in 2018 and last year when my 4 year term ended I was co-opted onto the Governing Body to help manage the transition as we brought on, and continue to bring on, a number of new Governors. I became a Governor in order to help the school be the best it can for all pupils. I have always been really impressed by the rounded and broad educational opportunities available to all pupils but was aware of the significant challenges the school faces in maintaining this given funding pressures. I therefore see my role as supporting the Head Teacher and the whole staff group to sustain and further improve the performance of the school whilst also retaining its uniquely warm, nurturing and inclusive culture. I work part-time as a senior civil servant in the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. I have nearly 25 years’ experience in the public sector (in central government, the NHS and voluntary sector) and hope I bring a range of skills in particular in policy making/strategy, financial planning/management, service delivery, management and leadership.’
Julia Warwick (Associate Governor)
Local Authority Governor
Susan Fajana Thomas
Staff Governors – elected by the staff at Grasmere
Jess Moher
Co-opted Governors
John McKinley
Frederick Hamilton
No current appointed governor has any business or financial interest in the school. A register for pecuniary interests is taken annually and a declaration is a standing item in every meeting.
There are also no material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).
If any of these statements were to change, we would publish it here.
All governors have voting rights on the full governing body and in committees they serve on.
Sub committees- membership and make up:
Curriculum Committee:
Jennifer Flandro (Chair of Governors and Curriculum Committee Chair), Nicola Foster, Susan Fajana-Thomas, Karen Pedro (Headteacher).
Resources Committee:
Ian Quest, Jenn Flandro, Karen Pedro (Headteacher).
Other functions:
Complaints/Exclusions/ Employee Relations/Employee Relations Appeals:
Jennifer Flandro
(any available and eligible three governors)
Performance Review of the Headteacher:
Debra Robinson, Ian Quest, Jen Flandro
Nicola Foster