Getting involved…
There are termly ‘drop ins’ where by any parent or carer can ask the Head teacher and Chair of Governors any question they have about the school as well as bring any ideas or concerns they have. These dates are published in the parent handbook. Grasmere conducts an annual survey for parents/carers about the school. This involves an individual questionnaire and all responses are reported to the Governing body. Parents and Carers are warmly invited to contribute their views and ideas. If you would like to contact the Chair of Governor for any reason, please use the following email:
Becoming a Parent Governor:
There are currently five Parent Governors at Grasmere. Parent elections are clearly communicated and we welcome applications from any parent who think they could represent the diverse and varied parent community of Grasmere.
If you are interested in becoming a governor at our, or any other Hackney School please complete an application form at:
When vacancies for parent governors arise, the school will send out a letter asking for nominations and if there are more notes of interest than spaces there will be an election involving all of the parents.