Breakfast Club and Afterschool Provision
Breakfast at Grasmere Clubs
Children should be brought to the school hall from 8am, Monday to Friday and handed over to staff. They will be given cereals, yogurt, toast, fruit and fruit juices or hot drinks for breakfast. Breakfast will only be served until 8.45am. The children will have a chance to chat to their friends, read, play games and do their homework before going to their classrooms. The cost of this will be £3 per child.
After school Provision at Grasmere
Fit for Sport [child care provision]
We will no longer be running play based after school provision [KIDZ club] through Grasmere but instead handing it over to Fit for Sport []. You will have already received information about their offer. They will run sessions every weekday from 3.30-6pm but children can also attend 3.30-4.30pm or 4.30-6pm. All children aged 4 and up can attend. All pricing information and booking is done through their website.
Summer Term Marketing Toolkit – Fit For Sport Extended School Club
FFS Extended School Club – Summer Term-min
Fit For Sport – Summer Term Schools Newsletter
Grasmere Primary School Newsletter – including NEW Clubs for 2021
Fit for sport after school club
Enrichment clubs
We have an exciting range of enrichment clubs which are due to start just after the October Half Term. We will be updating everyone shortly.